The Code - FizzBuzz

                            // Get user inputs for Fizz and Buzz
                            function getUserInputs() {
                                let fizzNumber = document.getElementById("fizzNumber").value;
                                let buzzNumber = document.getElementById("buzzNumber").value;

                                // Convert input values to numbers
                                let fizzValue = parseInt(fizzNumber);
                                let buzzValue = parseInt(buzzNumber);

                                // Ensure values are integers and not decimals
                                if (Number.isInteger(fizzValue) && Number.isInteger(buzzValue)) {

                                    // Call conditionalCofInputs 
                                    let finalFizzBuzzArray = conditionalCheckOfInputs(fizzValue, buzzValue);

                                    // Call displayResults() to display results in the DOM
                                } else {
                                    alert("Please only use integers")

                            // Logic
                            // Loop through 1 to 100 with a for loop
                            // See if each value is divisible by 1- Fizz only 2- Buzz only 3- Both or 4- Neither
                            function conditionalCheckOfInputs(fizzValue, buzzValue) {
                                // Initialize return array
                                let fizzBuzzArray = [];

                                // For loop from 1 - 100
                                for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {        
                                    // Current value divisible by Both check
                                    if (i % fizzValue == 0 && i % buzzValue == 0) {
                                        // Push "FizzBuzz" to fizzBuzzArray
                                    } else if (i % fizzValue == 0) { // Divisible by Fizz only check
                                        // Push "Fizz" to fizzBuzzArray
                                    } else if (i % buzzValue == 0) {  // Divisible by Buzz only check  
                                        // Push "Buzz" to fizzBuzzArray
                                    } else {
                                        // Value is not divisible by fizz or buzz
                                        // Send value
                                return fizzBuzzArray;

                            // Display tabular results in the DOM
                            // Loop over finalFizzBuzzArray and create a tableRow for each item
                            // Create template HTML of a table row with 5 TDs
                            function displayResults(finalFizzBuzzArray) {
                                // Get and store results table from the HTML DOM
                                let resultsTable = document.getElementById("results");

                                // Get and store the template row doc fragment from the HTML DOM
                                let templateRow = document.getElementById("fbTemplate");

                                // Clear table first, always start fresh 
                                resultsTable.innerHTML= "";

                                // Use a for loop to iterate over finalFizzBuzzArray in increments of 5
                                for (let index = 0; index < finalFizzBuzzArray.length; index += 5) {       
                                    // Get and store document fragment template 
                                    let tableRow = document.importNode(templateRow.content, true);

                                    // Get and store the TDs from the document fragment        
                                    let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");
                                    // Add classList of finalFizzBuzzArray to each TD 
                                    // Modify each TD textContent to equal each finalFizzBuzzArray item, doing a row of 5 items at a time
                                    rowCols[0].textContent = finalFizzBuzzArray[index];
                                    rowCols[1].classList.add(finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 1])
                                    rowCols[1].textContent = finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 1];

                                    rowCols[2].classList.add(finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 2])
                                    rowCols[2].textContent = finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 2];

                                    rowCols[3].classList.add(finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 3])
                                    rowCols[3].textContent = finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 3];

                                    rowCols[4].classList.add(finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 4])
                                    rowCols[4].textContent = finalFizzBuzzArray[index + 4];

                                    // Append rowCols to the resultsTable

The code is structured in three functions: getUserInputs(), conditionalCheckOfInputs(), and displayResults().

First, the program gets user input values for Fizz and Buzz with the getUserInputs() function, which have to be converted to numbers then parsed to ensure integers are being used. Next, the conditionalCheckOfInputs() is called and the validated integer values are passed as parameters.

For the logic step, conditionalCheckOfInputs() takes the parameters, loops through 1 to 100 with a for loop, checking to See if each value is divisible by 1- Fizz only 2- Buzz only 3- Both or 4- Neither. The results are pushed to the fizzBuzzArray, which the function returns once completed.

Lastly, displayResults() is called with the new array passed in as a parameter. This function loops over finalFizzBuzzArray and creates a tableRow for each item. A template of a table row with 5 TDs is created in the index.html file, which is stored in a JS variable. A for loop is used to iterate over finalFizzBuzzArray in increments of 5, the classList of finalFizzBuzzArray is added to each TD item, and each TD textContent is set to equal each finalFizzBuzzArray item. The results are injected into the DOM under the "Results" section.